Hello my dear blog friends...
Please come with me... back into the realm of the faeries...

I received this very intriguing email today from what must be a Russian music fae...
Dear Tricia !
My nime is Alizbar I play the harp
my web is www.alizbar-harp.com
I find your wedding with my music
Its very good
Maybe we can do more ? its my work too
Best regards
He has taken the pictures of my faerie wedding and placed them to his music. I am having trouble uploading his video so after you click here go to the right and under "favorites" click on the video that has this...
I was enchanted beyond words... I hope you enjoy it!
You can hear the song again and watch him play by going to his web site. I can see in his eyes how lost he is in the music. When the song ends he looks around as if he is entering this realm again. A truly magical man... I am honored he contacted me..
(If anyone can read Russian fae, I would love to understand the writing on the video.)