Remember a while back when I said I was working on a fund raiser for the Community Environmental Counsel that was to be a faerie themed event? Well I finally got the pictures back...

I feel like a proud parent that is dying to show off pictures of her children... all 100 pictures. So consider yourself warned...
It was held in an outdoor large rotunda of the Fess Parker's Double Tree resort. We filled this huge space with approximately 250 trees, 400 shrubs and divided it into two spaces, one for cocktails and the other for dinner and dancing. You are looking at the diner area in the front with the stage on the left and the cocktail area to the back on the right, behind the curtain.

I wanted to remind people of our heritage, of the myths and legends that surround the forests. Of a time when we were intrinsically tied to nature. When our daily lives were so mixed with nature and it's folk lore that there was no dividing line. Now because of the marvelous wonders of technology and science many of us live a life that is very removed from the rhythms of Mother Nature. Our Earth is beautiful, and so magical. To walk in the forrest or on the beach or any place where the magisty of Mother Nature is felt is to heal your heart, calm your mind, and remember your part in the big picture. I get so frustrated at how political environmental issues have polarized us... in large part because of the crazies on BOTH sides. To me it is just good manners to care for this precious Earth. My Mom taught me to not take more than I need and say please and thank you. To strive to live a healthy earth friendly life is to do the same. OK I am done preaching... thank you for listening. Anyway...

Some of the tables had wild fantastical trees complete with feathers, flowers, butterflies, bugs and hanging candles...

And some of the tables had low arrangements which were an eclectic mix of fun items like birdcages (with the doors tied open... it is a thing I have against caging flying creatures) filled with butterflies (fake), lanterns, plants, garden statuary, cloches, funky old bottles with feathers, birds nests, and all manor of magical woodsy beauties.
Our Faerie court...
(click on the picture for a larger size)
We had a Faerie Birch Queen who rode in on a Unicorn and would you believe it... I do not have one picture!!!!! Maybe it is the magical nature of the Unicorn that does not allow for photos... However here is our lovely Queen
She sat on her Birch throne up above the rotunda and with her ladies in waiting reigned over her forrest that evening.
Along with the Queen we had Satyrs. Does this picture make you giggle or what?...
There were lots of beautiful details...
And some just fun silly details...
Kenny Loggins played for us...
The deserts were adorable...
I think everyone had a fun time and came away thinking more about our beautiful Earth. Even though a party of this size does have an impact on Nature no matter how you slice it. Everyone did their best to keep it to a minimum. The trees and statuary were loaned to us from three wonderful people... , Katie Oriely Rogers Landscape Architect, Eye of the Day Garden statuary and Cal Western Landscape. Everything went on to their respective permanent homes in peoples yards. These people were brought in by the Event Coordinator Merryl Brown. She is wonderful at connecting all the right people together. This event would not have been possible without the trees plants and statuary. Imaging a forrest without trees! She kept the big picture in mind and got anything that I might need... usually donated! Most of her events have a huge on being green. The food was locally organically grown, the decor (me) was mostly plants and props (which I use over and over) with a few locally grown flowers. The costumes I made were mostly of recycled items from thrift stores. The party supplies such as dishes, tables, chairs, etc were all rented and used again. Fewer dishes were used (such as no bread plates and limited amounts of glass wear) so the water usage in clean up was reduced. And I composted the remains of the flowers on the ranch that my husband and I live on. Not too bad for such a decadent party! Hope you enjoyed all of it!!