Hello all my witchy friends...

Sorry to have flown off on my broom for so long... tis not only the witching season but the wedding season as well!!
Now some might get those two confused and I am sure that there are many that cross the line but alas I am fortunate to have only come across one bad witch-bride in amongst 12 years of wonderful Glenda-the-good-witch brides! I shall save her story for another time. Truly a dark and stormy night is needed!
I wanted so much to be a part of
Vanessa's Fanciful Twist Halloween blog party, cooking up lots of magical brews and potions, or creating some mystical witches den.

I so love Vanessa's magical ways and her beautiful blog... to be a part of her lovely party would have been a joy but alas the ladies in the white dresses come first!
So on that note I want to share with all of you pumpkin-loving-witches and magical-muggles (not a oxymoron I assure you) a supercalifragilisticexpeallidotious wedding that I got to be a part of a few years ago.

This bride LOVED pumpkins, I think even more than Vanessa over at Fanciful Twist!
To get ready for the wedding we met her and her family at a pumpkin patch and between her family's trucks our delivery vans and trailers we hauled away over 2000 pounds of pumpkins!!!!
My husband still gets shaky when he sees a pumpkin... he's afraid I will ask him to haul it somewhere and back again.

There were mini piles all over...

On the tables as name markers...

Tiny glittered ones as party favors...

A larger buff colored one we turned into the ring bearer's fanciful treasure chest...

They were all over the tables as general decor...

And not only did my fabulistic-fall femme like pumpkins she LOVED halloween candy (is this a woman after our haunted hearts or what!). So of course I filled tall vases with candy corn and stuck branches in them!

She had a desert buffet laid out with pies and cakes and tons of all the most wonderful childhood-memory-inducing Halloween candy. It was a spread that would have caused any dentist to retire early! In addition they had a most beautiful chocolate wedding cake.

Her bouquet was filled with... but of coarse... CHOCOLATE Cosmos (and Lilly-of-the-Valley). They really do smell like chocolate!

What with all the Halloween/pumpkin/candy/ and delectable treats blog posts out there I thought I would share one of my all time favorite weddings that so fit the season. Hope you enjoyed it!
Party on my Pumpkin Pals!