This tale is for Ms Vanessa's Mad Tea Party!!!! Hurraahhh!
For more wild and crazy fun visit her site here and link to the rest of the parties...
BUT NOT before you visit ours...
Go to the end of the post to see how to win a GREAT PRIZE!!!!!
Now for our story...
"Cleo... Want to hear a story?"
"As long as I don't have to sit up..."
"OK you silly girl..."
Once upon a time...

For more wild and crazy fun visit her site here and link to the rest of the parties...
BUT NOT before you visit ours...
Go to the end of the post to see how to win a GREAT PRIZE!!!!!
Now for our story...
"Cleo... Want to hear a story?"
"As long as I don't have to sit up..."
"OK you silly girl..."
Once upon a time...
The Aunts were out in the meadow one day when up came a black cat
by the name of Mr Baggins, one of the many cats of
The Lucky Few with an invitation...
It appears that the Aunts have been invited to a Cat Nip and Tuna Tea Party
put on by a mysterious Mad Catter and the kitties of The Lucky Few!
They had heard that Ms Vanessa of A Fanciful Twist was hosting a
Mad Tea party today, this must be part of the same shindig... how fun!
Along with the invite were two bottles of some mysterious liquid
with a tag that said...
"Drink Me" from the Mad Catter...
"Hmmmm... Dare we? The invitation says it's an empathetic potion"
I wonder what that is? Well here goes..."
"Oh my!!! Did you hear Mr Baggins? He's talking!
The empathetic potion must make us able to understand
him. How wonderful! Now we can have really have
a conversation! He says we must take a walk first to
give the kitties time to get ready and then go to our work
shop because they have a surprise for us..."

"Lets Go, hurry I want to see what the surprise is"
Through the gate...

Follow the rose petals...
"What have they done those little sweet rascals?"
"Oh how fun... It's the Haberdashery!"
"All this time the kitties have been using our work space to make
wild hats!!! The little dears!"
"These are some crazy hats, I think they might be eating a bit too
much Cat Nip!"
"Look they are using all our bits of lace and beads..."
"I guess they want us to wear hats with feathers..."
"Definitely too much cat nip!"
"Well... it's a bit better than the tea cup hat...
but really... mushrooms and grasshoppers?!"
"Actually Louise it is rather pretty on you in a woodsy way..."
"What do you think? It has feathers?
Not quite wild enough... I know these cats!"
"Not wild... just silly!"
"Very dapper Thelma but not you..."
"Beautiful and I love the mushroom but we have
to dress to please the kitties... "
"Oh Dear Louise... Really?!
This is a bit much, even to please the kitties..."
"I mean did you see the tea cup... and the yards of tulle, and the butterflies!
I really must love them very much to do this, but oh well..."
"I guess it's not too bad..."
"Now Louise, your turn, I think you would look lovely
with a bird and nest on you head... after all the kitties made
it and they are giving us a tea party!"
"Puuurfect Now lets go... Oh how pretty!"
"What a beautiful table..."
"Tea, Scones and berries, and look Pussy Willow of course!
And there is the Cat Nip tea and a plate of Tuna sandwiches
I think we'll stick to the scones..."
"But where are the kitties and our mysterious host the Mad Catter?"
"Oh dear our vision is acting funny, it must be the potion again..."
"Good afternoon Ladies... Welcome to the Cat Nip and
Tuna Tea party, we are so happy you could come...
And by the way, I love your hats!"
So the Aunts settled down to enjoy a lovely tea with the Mad Catter
and a few of the kitties from The Lucky Few. The kitties wanted
to express their appreciation for all the Aunts do for them and also
to talk about the problem of pet overpopulation.
and a few of the kitties from The Lucky Few. The kitties wanted
to express their appreciation for all the Aunts do for them and also
to talk about the problem of pet overpopulation.

"What... They're too many of us? But were so
wonderful, how can there be too many?"
"Well you see not all the wonderful pets have
a home to go to. There are millions of
wonderful sweet pets killed each year in the
pounds because there are no Aunts to take them in...
It is so important to get you pets spayed and neutered
because there are just not enough homes for all of us "
"Stop talking about that... You'll put me off my tuna..."
"Quick we had better eat everything before the Aunts bring in
even MORE kitties!"
"Smile for the camera Abby... Abby...
will you stop eating for one moment?!"
"Abby, get off the table please"
"And please get off the table you bad kitties..."
"Now boys... stop that... Get off the table..."
"Hey... that was my tea!..."
"OK... I guess it's yours now!..."
"Wipe your chin Abby..."
"Oh dear... this party is degenerating fast!"
"Look at all the kitties..."
"And more keep arriving..."
"Eeeaaaaa... They're getting on the table, quick lets go!"
This party had definitely gone to the cats!!!
"Thank you ladies and Ms Vanessa and her audience for being
a part of our Cat Nip and Tuna Tea Party, we hope you have
enjoyed yourselves, now please get off the table,
Thank you,
Tha Mad Catter
"That was a great story!"
And now for the prize details....
If you sign up as a follower and leave me a comment I will
put your name in one of the hats to be drawn on July 1st to
win you choice of one of the following...
Louise's bird's nest hat
Thelma's tea cup, tulle frothy.... thing...
The Tea Cup Hat with a great tea bag tag...
The Mushroom, Moss, Butterfly, Feather hat...
A demure lovely tea cup and vintage napkin.
If you are kind enough to go to The Lucky Few web site here...
and make a donation of any size I will place your name in another
hat to possibly win this lovely set of four vintage tea cups, napkins,
tea, vintage scarf and vintage basket. The kitties and I made this
with love to thank you for you very kind support!
(we tried to keep out the cat hair...)
4 vintage tea cups and tea...
black vintage scarf
I will draw the winner's name on July 1st as well
Thank You and Happy Madd Tea Party Day!!!!!!!